Hala, la tarea de hoy consiste en dos partes A y B.
Parte A. Seleccionar un texto con su área de experticia. Leerlo y extraer las definiciones y los marcadores del discurso.
Termino a definir.
Values education is a term used to name several things, and there is much academic controversy surrounding it. Some regard it as all aspects of the process by which teachers (and other adults) transmit values to pupils.
Parte B. seleccionar otro parrafo y extraer las palabras claves, decir si son de instrucciones o de secuencia u ordenamiento del texto.
- Marcadores de tiempo
-Tipo de texto
-Idea general del párrafo.
Ausubel was born on October 25th, 1918 and grew up in Brooklyn, New York. [1]
He studied at the University of Pennsylvania where he graduated with honors in 1939, receiving a bachelor's degree majoring in Psychology. Ausubel later graduated from medical school in 1943 at Middlesex University where he went on to complete a rotating internship at Gouveneur Hospital, located in the lower east side of Manhattan, New York. [1] Following his military service with the US Public Health Service, Ausubel earned his M.A. and Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from Columbia University in 1950. [1] After, a series of psychological professorships ensued at schools of education.
In 1973, Ausubel retired from academic life and devoted himself to his psychiatric practice. During his psychiatric practice, Ausubel published many books as well as articles in psychiatric and psychological journals. In 1976, he received the Thorndike Award from the American Psychological Association for "Distinguished Psychological Contributions to Education". [1]
At the age of 75 in the year 1994, Ausubel retired from professional life to devote himself full time to writing, with which four books resulted. [1]
Ausubel was influenced by the teachings of Jean Piaget. Similar to Piaget’s ideas of conceptual schemes, Ausubel related this to his explanation of how people acquire knowledge. “David Ausubel theorized that people acquire[d] knowledge primarily by being exposed directly to it rather than through discovery” (Woolfolk et al., 2010, p. 288) [2] In other words, Ausubel believed that understanding concepts, principles, and ideas are achieved through deductive reasoning. [2] Similarly, he believed in the idea of meaningful learning as opposed to rote memorization. In the preface to his book Educational Psychology: A Cognitive View, he says that “If [he] had to reduce all of educational psychology to just one principle, [he] would say this: The most important single factor influencing learning is what the learner already knows. Ascertain this and teach him accordingly” (Ausubel, 1968, p. vi) [3] Through his belief of meaningful learning, Ausubel developed his theory of advance organizers
1.-Los marcadores de tiempo están identificados con una linea
2.-Tipo de texto es una bibliografía
3.-La idea general del texto es dar a conocer la vida obra y estudios que realizó el psicilogo David Ausubel, quien estudió en la universidad de Pennsylvania y de las actividades durante su vida tales como: realizó su ruraliad en un hospital del gobierno en New York y prestó servicio militar. es de resaltar que ausubel fue influenciado por las teorias de Jean Piaget.
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